The latest papers from CAIL folks and their co-authors. You’ll see a massive presence at NeurIPS’24: congrats!!! Neurips – Vancouver, Canada Otmane Sakhi (Criteo AI Lab), Imad Aouali (Criteo AI Lab, CREST-ENSAE), Pierre Alquier (ESSEC Business School), and...
Latest papers from the Criteo AI Lab (see Criteo AI Lab publications for more) and all their dear co-authors. Please feel free to reach out to know more. Imad Aouali (Criteo AI Lab, CREST-ENSAE), Victor-Emmanuel Brunel (CREST-ENSAE), David...
Latest papers from the Criteo AI Lab (see Criteo AI Lab publications for more). Please feel free to reach out and/or to come and meet at the relevant venue. Artem Betlei (CAIL – AIR), Mariia Vladimirova (CAIL – AIR),...
We are happy to share that we’ve had 9 papers accepted to ICML 2023! Congrats to all Criteo AI Lab authors and their fellow co-authors. Côme Fiegel (ENSAE), Pierre Ménard (ENS Lyon), Tadashi Kozuno (Omron Sinic X ),...
In this new year 2023, we are happy to share that Criteos have had a few papers accepted/published in top ML venues: AISTATS 2023 Yannis Bekri (Université Grenoble Alpes) , Sasila Ilandarideva (CREST, ENSAE & Université Grenoble Alpes)...
CRITEO DATA TERMS OF USE FOR MLPERF Users By exercising the Licensed Rights (defined below), You accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License (“Public License”)....
A few papers co-authored by Criteos recently accepted at many premiere ML venues! Congrats to all and their co-authors. EC 2022 Vianney Perchet, Philippe Rigollet, Thibaut Le Gouic, ”An algorithmic solution to the Blotto game using multi-marginal couplings”,...
Foundation and Trends in ML: Learning in repeated auctions (Foundation and Trends in ML) – Thomas Nedelec, Clément Calauzènes, Noureddine El Karoui, Vianney Perchet, JMLR Multi-Agent Online Optimization with Delays: Asynchronicity, Adaptivity, and Optimism With Yu-Guan Hsieh,...