We are proud to see people from the AI Lab co-authors of 13 papers at NeurIPS (affiliations and order of authors to be adjusted soon): Photonic Differential Privacy with Direct Feedback Alignment, Ruben Ohana (LightOn), H.-J Medina Ruiz...
3 papers from Criteo AI Lab folks made the cut at KDD21 (International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining): Uplift Modeling with Generalization Guarantees, A. Betlei (Criteo AI Lab), E. Diemert (Criteo AI Lab), M.-R. Amini (LIG/UGA) Individual...
3 papers from Criteo AI Lab folks at COLT 21: The last-iterate convergence rate of optimistic mirror descent in stochastic variational inequalities, W. Azizian (ENS), F. Iutzeler (UGA), J. Malick (CNRS), and P. Mertikopoulos (Criteo AI Lab/CNRS) Survival...
6 papers from the Criteo AI Lab at ICML 21: Online A-Optimal Design and Active Linear Regression, X. Fontaine (ENS Paris), P. Perrault (ENS Paris), V. Perchet (Criteo AI Lab / ENSAE), M. Valko (Deepmind) Pure Exploration and Regret Minimization...
The Online Advertising industry is seeing a major shift today in its operational constraints with a global movement towards more privacy. Popular techniques for privacy-compliant advertising such as aggregation and differential privacy mechanisms were shown to match high privacy standards...
A Workshop organized by people from the Criteo AI Lab at KDD 2021 Summary. Machine learning has allowed many systems that we interact with to improve performance and personalize. An important source of information in these systems is to...
We are pleased to announce a privacy-preserving learning challenge at CAp’21. The goal is to find a representation of a stream of events (x) such that a prediction (y) task is possible while being able to detect that...
3 papers at @AISTATS 2021 from Criteo AI Lab folks Instance-Wise Minimax-Optimal Algorithms for Logistic Bandits. Marc Abeille, Louis Faury, Clément Calauzènes. Arxiv link. Self-Concordant Analysis of Generalized Linear Bandits with Forgetting. Yoan Russac (DI-ENS, CNRS, Inria, PSL, VALDA), Louis...
Happy to have 5 papers accepted at ICLR 2021 (among which 2 oral presentations) and 1 paper at ALT 2021! ICLR 2021: Scalable Learning and MAP Inference for Nonsymmetric Determinantal Point Processes (oral), Mike Gartrell, Insu Han, Elvis Dohmatob, Jennifer Gillenwater, Victor-Emmanuel...
We are happy to have 9 papers co-authored by researchers from the Criteo AI Lab at NeurIPS 2020 Online non-convex optimization with inexact models, A. Héliou, M. Martin, P. Mertikopoulos, and T. Rahier Explore aggressively, update conservatively: Stochastic extragradient...