
Criteo AI Lab believes in furthering the-state-of-art in Computational Advertising research through open collaborations. Towards this end, we support multiple opportunities to collaborate with the team.

Criteo Faculty Research Award

The Criteo Faculty Research Award funds machine learning research at leading universities, in order to improve collaboration between Criteo AI Lab and academic faculty, resulting in work that will be made available to the external machine learning community by publishing papers and/or open-sourcing any technology that is developed. The award is provided as an unrestricted gift to the university. Please see program details here.

Distinguished Lecture Series at Criteo

Criteo AI Lab is proud to bring to you the Distinguished Lecture Series (DLS). As a part of this series, we invite influential and eminent experts to visit our Criteo office and speak about the state-of-the-art in their research areas and show us how the future is shaping up. The purpose of these talks is to spark new conversations, research directions and ideas not only in Criteo but in the larger local ML community.

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