Category Archives: Uncategorized
3 papers @COLT from the Criteo AI Lab
3 papers from Criteo AI Lab folks at COLT 21: The last-iterate convergence rate of…
Criteo Privacy Preserving ML Competition @AdKDD21
The Online Advertising industry is seeing a major shift today in its operational constraints with…
KDD Workshop: Bayesian Causal Inference for Real World Interactive Systems
A Workshop organized by people from the Criteo AI Lab at KDD 2021 Summary. Machine learning…
Criteo/CAp21 Privacy-preserving AI Challenge
We are pleased to announce a privacy-preserving learning challenge at CAp’21. The goal is to…
3 papers @AISTATS 2021 by Criteo AI Lab folks
3 papers at @AISTATS 2021 from Criteo AI Lab folks Instance-Wise Minimax-Optimal Algorithms for Logistic…
5 papers @ICLR 2021, 1 paper @ALT 2021 co-authored by Criteo AI Lab folks!
Happy to have 5 papers accepted at ICLR 2021 (among which 2 oral presentations) and…
9 papers accepted to @NeurIPS20 co-authored by researchers from Criteo AI Lab
We are happy to have 9 papers co-authored by researchers from the Criteo AI Lab…
Series of posts on “Counterfactual evaluation and Recommender systems”, by A. Gilotte
Alex Gilotte, researcher at the Criteo AI Lab, details how counterfactual reasoning may be applied…
New post by O. Koch: “The Trade-Offs of Large-Scale Machine Learning: the price of time”
What defines large-scale machine learning? This seemingly innocent question is often answered with petabytes of…
Best student ML paper award runner-up @ECMLPKDD
The paper on “A Principle of Least Action for the Training of Neural Networks” by…