AI in Industry and Academia Conversations

Conversations with interesting people about machine learning and AI in industry and academia.

To stay informed follow us on twitter, or we have the Laplace’s Demon Google Group for general announcements and discussions related to the seminar series. Join the group here.

Full schedule

The registration link will allow you to see the time of the event in your timezone. You should register individually for each conversation.

Date Time UTC Time Paris Time New York Guest Title Register
19 September 2024 15.00 17.00 11.00 Emmanuel Maggiori Is AI Smart Until It’s Dumb? Link
26 September 2024 15.00 17.00 11.00 Nicolas Chopin Bayesian Computation in the AI Era Link
3 October 2024 15.00 17.00 11.00 Dawen Liang  Recommendation, Bayes and LLMs at Netflix Link
10 October 2024 15.00 17.00 11.00 Flavian Vasile Deep Learning in Production for Recommendation  Link
24 October


15.00 17.00 11.00 David Rohde Why the Shooting in the Dark Method Dominates Recommender Systems Practice? Link


David Rohde


Kini Engelmo Moriche

Previous Editions